Four members of the Circle U. alliance (University of Pisa, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, UCLouvain, Aarhus University) have organized the first European Summer School in Sensory Neuroscience (Master’s degree level) within the alliance.

We enjoyed two weeks of exciting science and engaging discussions on our brain, our senses and how to study them, shared with enthusiastic speakers and with our students from around the world.

ESSSN Program

ESSSN Students’ Statistics

For two days, the school was hosted by IMT in Lucca and Imago7 that generously offered their facilities and dedicated their time to giving us perspectives on advanced research in neuroscience.

We wish to thank all those who participated and helped in this first edition of the ESSSN.

Our very best wishes to all the students, may they enjoy fun and successful careers!

The organizers

Paola Binda – University of Pisa
Olivier Collignon – UCLouvain
Martin Rolfs – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Science of Intelligence
Morten Storm Overgaard – Aarhus University


The Summer School used the Blended Intensive Program format, with a 5-days online component and a 5-days in-person component. The school was fully funded, with no admittance fee, accommodation covered, and travel grants available.


Remote learning will focus on fundamental concepts of (multi)sensory-motor integration and on the main tools of the trade: neuroimaging, neurophysiology, psychophysics.
In-presence meetings will deliver specialistic lectures from leading scientists and hands-on laboratory experience – including a site visit to the ultra-high field Magnetic Resonance center Imago7.
Successful completion of the program will give students an overview of the current neuroscientific research in sensory and cognitive neuroscience.

Who can apply

Ideal candidates are enrolled in a Master’s level degree in the area of neuroscience or related fields.
Students must be fluent in English, as all activities will be in English.
Maximum attendance: 30 students.



Program Intensity



Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Evident interest in sensory or cognitive neuroscience
  • Fluency in English

Required documents

  • Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
  • Enrolment Form
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • BA title with student’s transcripts (BA exams and any exam taken in the MA)
  • Motivational statement (maximum 500 words) [Students may not upload recommendation letters. They may, however, indicate a reference person who could support their application in case the selection committee contacts them. Indication of a reference contact is not mandatory.]
  • Certification or self-assessment of fluency in English

All the documents must be in pdf format, in order to upload them on the portal when required (See the “How to apply” page)




There is no tuition fee to be paid


Travel grants for EU students: please check with your University about the availability of Erasmus+ short-term mobility funds.

Travel grants for non EU students: We will provide a number of travel grants for students who are not eligible for Erasmus+ mobility allowances. The grants are provided by the Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence in Berlin. In order to apply for a travel grant, please indicate that you are applying for a travel grant and submit a detailed list of your expected costs in addition as part of your application. Note that all relevant receipts must be handed in before the summer school takes place. In the case of train travel we are only able to reimburse second class tickets, while flight tickets can be only reimbursed for economy class.

A limited amount of additional travel grants will be made available by the University of Pisa.


Online component: 24 – 28 July 2023

In-person component: 31 July – 5 August 2023

Application Deadline

15 June 2023


Prof. Paola Binda

Summer/Winter School Office

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